While working with SLOP does not require a rocket scientist, the
installation process is not for the weak hearted, as SLOP depends
upon 7 other software packages to run. A person performing
this installation should probably be of intermediate level,
and have familiarity with installing and configuring GNU packages.
Of course, everybody must start somewhere, so if this is your
first time installing software on a UNIX system, good luck!
I've tried to explain the process with enough detail so that
there are no hidden "gotchas."
The following packages are necessary for SLOP to run:
- A SQL database supported by ADOdb (the long list includes MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MSSQL)
- A web server which works with PHP (tested with apache 1.3.27
with axps support)
- PHP (with the following flags: --with-gd --with-mcal
--with-ttf --enable-gd-native-tt) (tested with 4.3.4)
- JpGraph php graphing/charting library (requires gd-2.0.15 and
freetype 2.1.3-35) (tested with JpGraph version 1.13)
- Microsoft True Type Fonts are now needed by JpGraph...
- ADOdb php database abstraction library (tested with 4.53)
- Perl
- DBI/DBD libraries for database
You can find links to download these packages on the links page.